==== home directory ==== * The home directory is located at ''/home/your_login_name'' * The home dir has a maximum size of **200 Gigabyte** and a file number limit of **2 mio files**. * The home is excluded from backup service but has a snapshot over the **last 14 days**. * The snapshot data are located at ''$HOME/.snapshot'' * The home dir is available on all CPU-, GPU- and interactive node. Please use Your home dir only for basic work - not for saving huge amount of data!\\ Dont go over the above limit - check Your limits frequently with ''show_user_info''. ==== scratch directory ==== * The scratch directory is located at ''/scratch/your_login_name'' * The scratch dir has a maximum size of **2 Terabyte** and a file number limit of **2 mio files**. * The scratch dir is NOT included in a backup! * The scratch dir is available on all CPU-, GPU- and interactive node. Please use Your scratch dir for Your data generated during job runtime and pre/post processing.\\ Dont use this scratch dir for long term storage of any data!\\ This scratch dir is designed for high [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IOPS|IOPS]] performance ==== archive directory ==== * The archive directory is located at ''/data2/hpcuser/your_login_name'' * The archive dir has a default size of **100 Gigabyte** and a file number limit of **200.000 files**. * The archive dir is included in the central backup (weekly incremental)! * The archive dir is available only at the **transfer nodes**. Please use Your archive dir for saving representative data weekly or monthly.\\ We recommend to setup Your archive file as a tar or zip file together with meta data description files.\\ Please contact our data steward [[data-steward@tu-ilmenau.de|Data Steward]] to this topic.\\ You can also save code or other data at our [[https://gitlab.tu-ilmenau.de|Gitlab Service]] or in our [[https://cloud.tu-ilmenau.de|NextCloud Service]] Please contact [[hpc@tu-ilmenau.de|hpc@tu-ilmenau.de]] for more details and questions.\\ {{:570a0122.jpg?400|}}