=====HPC Wiki TU Ilmenau====== This is the tu ilmenau wiki for scientific computing. To access the Compute-Servers of TU-Ilmenau you need to fill out the {{ :wiki:cs-antrag_20240117.pdf|Application Form}} to get your account. Please send the signed form as a scan to hpc@tu-ilmenau .\\ [[hints|Useful Hints]]\\ ===== Remote Visualization ===== [[https://www.tu-ilmenau.de/vis|HPC interactive session manager]]\\ [[rem_vis|HowTo]]\\ [[rem_vis_faq|FAQ]]\\ ===== Software ===== [[module|Software Environment with ''module'' command]] === Multi purpose === [[matlab|Matlab]]\\ [[mathematica|Mathematica]]\\ [[maple|Maple]] === Simulation === [[ansys|Ansys]]\\ [[comsol|Comsol]]\\ [[msc|MSC]]\\ === Visualization === [[tecplot|Tecplot]]\\ [[fieldview|Fieldview]]\\ [[ensight|Ensight]]\\ [[intel|Intel Compiler-Debuger-Profiler]]\\ [[julia|Julia]]\\ [[totalview|Totalview]] [[gpu|GPU Computing]]\\ [[blender|Blender]]\\ [[gurobi|Gurobi]]\\ ===== HPC File systems ===== [[filesystem|HPC File systems]]\\ ===== Batch Jobs Commands ===== [[commands|LSF Common Commands]]\\ ===== HPC Training & Courses ===== [[https://training.prace-ri.eu/|PRACE Training Portal]]\\ [[https://hpc-calendar.gauss-allianz.de/en|Gauss Allianz: HPC events and trainings in Germany]]\\ ===== TU IL HPC Hardware ===== [[mapacc4|MassivParallelComputeCluster 4th generation (MaPaCC4) + GPU Cluster]]\\ ===== Additional HPC Ressources ===== [[https://gitlab.tu-ilmenau.de|TU IL Gitlab Service]]\\ [[https://cloud.tu-ilmenau.de|TU IL Cloud Service]]\\ [[https://jup.rz.tu-ilmenau.de|TU IL Jupyter Hub]]\\ [[https://www.tu-ilmenau.de/fdm| TU IL Research Data Management]]\\ [[https://www.hs-itz.de/arbeitsgruppen/ag-wissenschaftliches-rechnen-hpc.html| HS-ITZ AG Scientific Computing]]\\ [[history|HPC Hardware History]]\\