You can start Comsol with the following short commands

Version 6.2: comsol62
Version 6.1: comsol61
Version 6.0: comsol60
Version 5.6: comsol56
Version 5.5: comsol55

You can start Your Comsol script (*.mph file) with the following generic command:
comsol.batch inputfile.mph

Hint: For the usage of this generic job script comsol.batch inputfile.mph You need the right comsol environment in Your account.

If the comsol environment ist not (!) set permanently in Your Account please set the right comsol version in Your current terminal with the command: module purge; module load comsol/v62

Please check upcoming comsol events here: Comsol Events

note 1:
please avoid to use the CAD Import toolbox license:
Goto Options » Preferences » Geometry » 3D geometry representation » In new geometries
and change to COMSOL kernel