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The following section list the most common LSF commands and explains what they do.

NOTE: If you need more detailed information about a command please use the manpages (man <command>).

Command Eplaination
bjobs Display the short status of your Jobs
bjobs -w Display the short status of your Jobs - with „wide“ fields
bjobs -l Displays all (=long) parameters of all (!) of your Job
bjobs -l jobid Information about a job with the specified jobid
bjobs -u all Lists every job of all (!) users in a short list
bjobs -q BatchXL short listing of your jobs running in a queue called „BatchXL
man bjobs More Information about the command
bqueues displays queue overview about all queues
bqueues -l displays detailed overview about all queues
bqueues -l BatchXL displays detailed overview about the queues named BatchXL
bhosts Status of all compute node
bhosts -l detailed status of all compute nodes
bhosts -gpu detailed status of all nodes containing a gpu
man bhosts More Information about the command
lsinfo Provides information about the LSF configuration (Maschinetype, -/description -/model) and about the available resources.
lsmon Displays continuous information about the loads on all compute and gpu nodes
lsload -gpuload displays information about the gpu load on all gpu nodes
lsload -gpuload hostname displays information about the gpu load on a certain host
commands.1639389020.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2021/12/13 10:50 von schwan