This is the tu ilmenau wiki for scientific computing.
To access the Compute-Servers of TU-Ilmenau you need to fill out the Application Form to get your account. Please send the signed form as a scan to hpc@tu-ilmenau . Useful Hints
HPC interactive session manager HowTo FAQ
Software Environment with ''module'' command
Matlab Mathematica Maple
Ansys Comsol MSC
Tecplot Fieldview Ensight
Intel Compiler-Debuger-Profiler Julia Totalview
GPU Computing
Blender Gurobi
HPC File systems
LSF Common Commands
PRACE Training Portal Gauss Allianz: HPC events and trainings in Germany
MassivParallelComputeCluster 4th generation (MaPaCC4) + GPU Cluster
TU IL Gitlab Service TU IL Cloud Service TU IL Jupyter Hub TU IL Research Data Management HS-ITZ AG Scientific Computing HPC Hardware History