Successful Opening Ceremony of SigMaSense Group

On June 7th 2018, the SigMaSense group was officially inaugurated. The principal of TU Ilmenau, Prof. Peter Scharff, introduced the event with his words of welcome. In the following, several orators from the fields of R&D as well as from the economy and the major of Ilmenau, Gerd-Michael Seeber, began to speak and welcomed the new established project research group. The TU Ilmenau and the Fraunhofer Institute for nondestructive Testing IZFP from Saarbrücken collaborate since 2014 in the field of innovative signal processing concepts for nondestructive testing. Based on this successful cooperation, these two associations deepen their relations in shape of a new established group that is devoted to signal acquisition and processing in the context of generating intelligent material data. Accordingly, at TU Ilmenau in the Electronic Measurements and Signal Processing group (EMS) a new project research group will be founded – in the beginning of 2018, at Fraunhofer IZFP an external research group was already founded in the course of the Fraunhofer ATTRACT program that is located at Ilmenau.
We would like to thank everyone for their attendance and participation!