Georg Schmidt Technical Centre

Georg Schmidt Technical Centre



The Faraday, Curie and Röntgen buildings form a small city campus on Weimarer Strasse, known as the Georg Schmidt Technical Centre. It only takes a few minutes to walk or cycle from Ehrenberg to the city campus thanks to a bridge.
The Faraday Building with a new two-storey extension is home to the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and was modernized in 2015 according to the state-of-the-art technology standards. Photovoltaic elements are located along the south side, which are available to students, mostly those in the Master's program "Regenerative Energy Technology" for practical training. In addition to a lecture hall, there are laboratories for research groups and practical training classes. 



In the immediate area of the Faradaybau, the newly renovated Heliosbau is home to the Light Engineering and Nano-biosystems Engineering Groups and the Research Group Bioorganic Chemistry of Bioactive Surfaces.
While the former Institute of Lighting Technology was mainly concerned with lighting technology in the 1960s, the research profile today covers a broad spectrum from color rendering, brightness homogeneity, light immissions, barrier-free lighting parameters to workplace lighting and much more.

Curiebau – History and facts about TU Ilmenau


The Curie Building is also part of the Georg Schmidt Technical Centre. As the oldest building (1895) of the university, it is known affectionately as the "Old Technical Centre".
This building provides offices, seminar rooms and laboratories for the Institutes of Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry and Biotechnology of the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. In the large atrium, the earth's rotation is visualized with a Foucault pendulum. 

The TU Ilmenau is the only technical university in Thuringia. Today's university was founded as the Thuringian Technical Center on 3 November 1894 and thus can look back on a long tradition of engineering education.
  • about 5,225 students, among them 3,750 male and 1,475 female students
  • 19 Bachelor's, 2 Diploma and 25 Master's degree programs, plus 10 double degree programs with international partner universities worldwide
  • about 1,638 international students
  • 9,000 alumni worldwide have joined the AlumniCampus, the alumni network of the TU Ilmenau



Here, the scientists have access to a seminar room, offices, and modern laboratories with, among other things, X-ray equipment, magnetic resonance tomography and a scanning microscope.
The building is home to the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and the Institute of Physics, Group of Technical Physics. Three guest apartments for short-term stays of scientists are also in this building.



The new structure represents a modern contrast to the historic buildings of the city campus and completes the Georg Schmidt Technical Centre.
The lecture hall for incorporating experiments into lectures is popular for especially lectures on Chemistry and Physics.
The cafeteria "Röntgenbau" is a meeting place for students and employees of the TU Ilmenau to have lunch together. You can find green places around the buildings of the city campus, which provide protection from the sun especially in summer.